Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Actividades a corto

Last week in class, all of the groups took turns presenting our short activities.

My group was the first group to go. We did a creative painting activity using both everyday and obscure items including fake leaves, feathers and sponges. The activity went well except there was some difficulty distributing the supplies and paint because of the room set up. Other than that the activity seemed to be well enjoyed. We discussed that you may want to give specific guidelines for what to paint when working with specific populations like youth-at-risk to make sure that paintings are apropriate.
This activity would be very useful with geriatrics patients to help them trigger memories

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Day in the Computer Lab

In this past weeks Innovative Activities class, we met in WING to learn how to research. With the help of one of our UWL librarians we learned how to start researching for our special population project. We learned how to choose key words and use different online library data bases provided by the university. For my topic I'm choosing the use of therapeutic recreation and family outings to help with children and families of children undergoing cancer treatments.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week one: Tape Art

This past week in Innovative Activities we did a tape art activity. We used a couple you tube videos as our inspiration and basic instructional guidelines for how to begin our masterpieces. Our instructions were to create any thing that we wanted that used an (appropriate) body part and some how could be related to the field of TR. For my groups sculpture we decided to do a angler fish, ya know the fish with the light on it's head from Finding Nemo. We started off using a balloon for the main body and gloves for the tail and flippers. Side note: we weren't the only group using the balloons and the sound of putting cling wrap around balloons literally almost drove me insane. ANY WHO....we kept with the Nemo them we gave our fish one flipper bigger than the other. At the end we were wrapping my hand for some reason and the it ended up looking kinda like a neck and head so we decided to add it on and make it a sea turtle instead. At the end our group disgussed what problems we might encounter if doing this activity with physical rehab patients. We said that the main issues may be mobility, ability to stand and move around the project, and lack of fine motor skills to work with the sticky items. We also said that even though these may be barriers, they also could be helpful to for rehab.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hello world wide webbers, my name is Drew. I am a 21 year old student at UW-La Crosse majoring in Therapeutic Recreation. My dream job would be to be a child life specialist. I'm from Minnesota meaning, I LOVE THE TWINS AND VIKINGS!!! I also am a huge fan of WWE (yes I still watch pro wrestling....) I really enjoy coaching track and love getting into the wrestling room to help out local teams when possible. The picture above is me rocking out to Skillet at Sonshine Music Festival this past summer