Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Red Light, Green Light

I'm back again bloggees. Last week in IATR we started out with the final group doing their short activity. In this activity we got into groups of three. One person was the model and chose a pose. The second person was the artist who had to mold the third person into the same pose. The only catch is that the artist was blind folded hand could only use their hands to figure out the exact pose and recreate it.

After that we talked about the game "Red light, Green light" and what the goals are for the game including: being able to listen to directions, have motor control, and process information. We then had to come up with an activity that included these goals. My group chose a rock, paper, scissors game with actions instead of hands. Personally I wanted to do a modified version of the Hokey Pokie but i just like dancing.

We then watched a video of "Project Runway" (which personally I didn't care for much) in which the designers had create a fashionable outfit out of supplies found in a hardware store. We were then told to come up with a similar activity that would be therapeutic to the population we were given, stroke. We decided to have our patients build Halloween costumes out of house hold materials such as cardboard boxes and used paper towel rolls. We set goals for each participant to have to articulate their ideas multiple times through out the activity, as well as use the affected side as much as possible.

At the end we were given assignment to come up with a presentation about how to make hunting and fishing more accessible for people who have had strokes.

All in all i guess what i took away from this class period was that activities and games such as tag can be easily adapted to fit various populations and do not need to have definite rules all the time.

I thought I would include a story from this past weekend at Relay for Life. I was trying to give directions of how to get out of town to some of my friends and had told them to "go through the stoplight".  A older gentleman overheard me say this and was quick to correct me and tell me "You'll get in trouble if you go through a stoplight. What you should do is go through Go-light." 

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